Enable Your Device
When you sign up, this screen allows you to enable your device so you can stream real time video and audio to the dispatcher. you also enable GPS so the authorities will know your exact location. This allow them to send help immediately.

Panic Screen
Select the proper authority to stream your audio and video live to the dispatcher. you will even be able to see the officers location on your phone so you know when he is in route.

Video Stream
This page will be sent to the dispatcher in real time. It shows the dispatcher your exact GSP location, live video and audio and displays your contact information right on the dispatcher screen in real time.

Chat with Dipstatcher
If you are in a desperate situation and cant talk because you are being pursued by an attacker, you can chat with the dispatcher so there is no sound to give away your position. This allows you to stay in constant communication and the dispatcher can still see the situation.
Emergency Services Command Center
A command and control operations center that runs smoothly is the backbone of any city, agency or enterprise. Having well trained operators is simply not enough to guarantee a quick and measured response to emergencies or other events. Our Panicapp platform extends command and control coverage into the field where dispatch operators and resource officers can see an event in real-time and provide responding resources to those that need help with the most important resource-Information. By receiving a clearer picture from the field in seconds, dispatchers, resource officers and medical personnel can deploy the appropriate response, faster. Caller prioritization allows dispatchers to prioritize calls accurately, ensuring that true emergencies receive appropriate classification without dedicating resources to falsely reported calls. Live video communication with the caller allows the dispatcher to direct the emergency responder to take preliminary actions where feasible.

Dispatcher Command Center
Dispatchers who have PanicAPP calls routed to them through the mobile application, have instant access to crucial information, providing them with a clear picture of events. In addition to live video at the scene, the PanicAPP system provides dispatchers with the caller’s personal details, pinpoint GPS location and reliable map routing to guide the emergency responder directly to the caller . These details are an essential part of prioritizing calls for service and resource allocation. The live feed from events occurring in real-time along with reliable caller information allows dispatchers to make more effective decisions.

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